Ask anyone the question "What is a good source of calcium?" and most likely their response will be "Milk!" Cheese and ice cream are usually next in line.
Calcium Without The Cow
However, other excellent sources of calcium exist and it is entirely possible to meet your calcium requirements with a plant-based, vegan diet. Calcium is an essential mineral required for strong bones and teeth, normal blood clotting, and normal muscle and nerve function.
Dig Into Your Greens
When you discover that there is as much, or more, calcium in 3/4 cup of collard greens or a half cup of firm tofu as there is in one cup of cow’s milk, you can see why populations who do not drink cow’s milk still have strong bones and teeth.
Plant-Based Calcium Perks
Plant sources of calcium have unique benefits over those found in animal products, making them a better source of calcium than dairy products. When it comes to calcium, what matters more than calcium consumption is how much calcium is actually absorbed by your body. This quality of absorption, known as bioavialablity - is accomplished more easily from plant foods than dairy products.
As a bonus, leafy green vegetables that are good sources of calcium are also rich in vitamin K, a nutrient which works in concert with calcium to support healthy bones. Other nutrients are found in fruits and vegetables that support healthy bones, such potassium and vitamin C. Because of the bone-building benefits they provide, diets high in fruits and vegetables are important for keeping bones healthy. Online resources listing calcium content of plant foods are readily available.
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