It seems it takes 7 days to start a habit and 30 days break them. Although it is definitely hard to teach an old dog new tricks, I still think we can always start something up at anytime since it only takes 7 days.
I challenge you to take this perspective differently...if it takes 30 days to break a habit, why not start a habit of 'breaking' the old habit? Haha...worth a try and worth a thought.
I of course have one extreme habit I like to break. It's being hard on myself.....and that itself leads to lots of other things which I don't have to mention because it does itself creative negativity. But hey ho, I've always grained in my head that the cup is always half full!
Here's another thought from Rebecca Seed :)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Why Can’t We Break Our Bad Habits?
For some people it could be something as simple as indulging in ice cream a little too often.
For others, it’s the darker stuff – sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, bad relationships.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be an addiction – a little too much of something that’s no good is just, well, a bad habit. But the truth is, bad habits only create negativity in our lives.
So if we can identify our bad habit(s), which I believe most of us can, why don’t we do anything about it?
The real question is: how badly do we want that thing that’s so BAD? How much self-control can we drum up at any given time?
It’s a question I ask myself when it comes to my less-than-savory habits.
Why am I doing this to myself? Because it feels good in the moment? Because it’s all I know? Because doing the opposite is actually UNCOMFORTABLE? Because as humans we are drawn to the easy way out, and it’s easy to throw self-control out the window?
Isn’t it is just ridiculous to admit a BAD HABIT is the easy way out?
he familiarity of it is so attractive, we throw consequence by the wayside.
I am very much an all-or-nothing person. I can cut someone or something out of my life if I just put my foot down and say I’m going to do it. I stick to my word.
I’ve eaten a cheeseburger and fries three weekends in a row then done a 6-day Kundalini yoga and juice cleanse so successfully, I added a seventh day on my own.
But I went back to cheeseburgers and boxed macaroni and cheese, yes, the kind with the fake orange powder in it, afterwards. So what was the point of spending hundreds of dollars for a week-long cleanse, only to say “screw it” when I fell back into to my comfort zone?
Unfortunately, burgers and Kraft mac ‘n cheese are not my worst habits. In fact I’ve been vegan for over 3 months now, which works here in Santa Monica because they’ve perfected a delicious vegan cheeseburger in several restaurants here.
The point is, it’s time to break the all-or-nothing attitude. That in itself is a bad habit.
I’d like to try a little harder to live life with moderation in mind. Especially when I know self-control is a good thing, and is HEALTHY, but too much of it, too much rigidity, is not.
And we should all be able to admit feeling good feels SO much better than feeling bad.
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