Often we here that word so many million gabazillion times but I have a feeling that most of us think 'strict diet' plans. But do we actually know what detox is? I think this article summarizes it all quite well.
It is important to know that detoxification is an action! Toxins must leave the body in order for a detox to take place.
Detoxification can be summed up in two steps:
1. Awakening toxins
2. Releasing toxins
Step 1 - Awakening Toxins: When we consume unnatural foods they leave a sludgy, dense residue in our cells. This residue becomes our excess weight, our body odor, our wrinkles, and our cellulite. This residue in excess is even the culprit behind rapid aging!
We awaken these toxins when we rehydrate this sludgy toxic residue in the cells by consuming alkaline substances: fresh vegetable juice, raw vegetables and fruits. The negative ionic charge of vegetables, fruit, and their juices are opposite of the positive ionic charge of toxins that were consumed throughout our lives and remain lodged in the cells.
During this step of detoxification the juices, vegetables, and fruits attract the toxins that would otherwise remain in the cells. The alkalinity of raw plant foods and juices lift toxins up and out of our cells and tissues. However, the detox has not occurred yet. The detox occurs during step two.
Step 2 - Releasing the Toxins: After the toxins have been awakened they enter the bloodstream and the body filters them to the elimination organs so that they can be released. At this point in the game, you have great potential to detox, but you haven’t quite detoxed yet!
There are two main elimination organs that we focus on with detoxification: the colon and the skin. If you are following a detoxification regimen and you are not eliminating waste matter through the colon and the skin you are not detoxing!
Below I have listed classic signs that toxins are being awakened, but not released:
- You become constipated.
- You break out.
- You have headaches.
- You develop rashes.
- You just feel really awful, overall.
Saunas are particularly useful for detoxification because in order to experience a deep sweat you would have to do an intense workout that is not always advisable during a detox. Sometimes we have soaring levels of energy when detoxing, but sometimes we will be more tired than usual. Both of these experiences are typical reactions and nothing to be alarmed about.
Colon hydrotherapy is so helpful because it removes old waste matter that would otherwise be too difficult for the body to eliminate on it’s own. If you become constipated while attempting a detox and would like to continue your detox, you must get to a skilled colon therapist, or else you will begin to experience symptoms, and feel awful!
When you awaken and release effectively you will feel an overall lightness physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is how wonderful we can feel when we release toxins that have been weighing us down for days, weeks, months, years, and even decades!
While the awaken and release approach is very easy to understand intellectually, it is not always so easy to implement effectively. Detoxification can be tricky to understand and monitor, which is why seeking out a nutritionist or coach to guide you can be very helpful, even imperative, to progressing on your journey.
When cleansing, always remember the importance of awaken and release, and you’ll be set up for successful detoxification!
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